Tisserand - Ethically Harvested Organic Pure Essential Oil - Marjoram (Spanish), 9 ml


Native to the Iberian Peninsula of Portugal and Spain, Spanish Marjoram is a wild growing Mediterranean herb, popular with herbalists the world over. Its appearance is actually more similar to Thyme than Marjo-ram, which is reflected in the plant’s botanical name; Thymus Mastichina. Traditionally used in Spain and Portugal as an infusion to ease coughs, colds and influenza, Spanish Marjoram as an essential oil is used in a plethora of immune boosting treatments. Blended in a carrier oil and massaged on to the chest, Spanish Marjoram will help to boost circulation and strengthen immunity to common coughs and colds – perfect during the winter months. Spanish Marjoram’s pungent and herbal fragrance has a fortify-ing effect on the mind and if used in steam inhalation or a diffuser, will help to energise and lift lethargy.
